Make Art In A Box

If like us you have lots of boxes lying around then why not use them for making some painted paper you can use as gift wrap or making into cards.
What you need. 

A box
Milk bottle tops, corks, marbles or baby food pouch tops. 

What to do. 

1) Line the box with white paper. 
2) Squeeze different coloured paint in patches all over the box. 
3) Add in bottle tops or small objects that will roll about and you don't mind getting covered in paint. 
4) Close the lid on the box and Cellotape up. 
5) This is the fun part. Shake the box from side to side so the loose parts spread the blobs of paint about. 
6) Open up to have a look at the results. You can always add more blobs of paint and repeat the shaking of the box. 
7) When you are happy with the results, leave to dry. 
8) Use the painted paper to wrap a present for a family member or cut the paper up into squares or different shapes, letter, numbers to make into colourful cards. 

We did this about 4 years ago so I've not got any pictures of the cards we made. It was a fun activity for my son who was about 4 at the time. 


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