Elmer The Elephant Junk Model

We made our Elmer the elephant junk model a number of years ago. (Some of the tissue paper has faded.)

We have now made it into a tealight lantern.
Read an Elmer book with or to your child and look at the colourful pictures of Elmer. 

To make Elmer you will need.

A plastic washed milk carton
Coloured tissue paper
White paper for eyes.
Black pen
Battery operated Tealight optional.

An adult will need to cut the bottom off the milk carton and cut the handle so it looks like a trunk.
Take top off the milk carton.
Cut up coloured tissue paper - child can practice scissor skills or adult can cut out.
Get your child to glue the coloured pieces on the milk carton.
Cut out two circles for eyes and draw the eyes in black pen. Stick eyes on.
Place tealight under to light up Elmer.


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