Flowers and Coloured Water Experiment

How do flowers take in water? What happens when we put flowers in coloured water?

You need a white or light coloured flower eg daffodils or carnations. Food colouring, jar or vase, water. 

Ask you child How do flowers take in water? 

Talk about the roots taking in water from the soil and the water travels up the stem and into the veins in the petals and leaves. . 

Ask them what happens when we put flowers in coloured water?

You can talk about it or to extend it you can get the children to write a prediction giving a reason why. 

Eg I think the petals will turn red because the coloured water travels up the stem and into the petals because flowers need water to live. 

Put the cut flower into a glass jar or vase add water and some drops of food colouring - blue or red work well.

Wait a day or so to see what happens. 


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