Parts of a Flowering Plant - A Daffodil

Look at the parts of a Flowering Plant.

Pick a flower from the garden, we picked a daffodil.

(Just be careful when picking flowers as some can irritate the skin, daffodils have a liquid sap that can irritate the skin. You could wear gloves or you touch the flower and wash hands after touching the flower. )

We cut the flower down the middle and looked at the different parts. Adults can do this or assist depending on age of child, we used a Stanley knife.

Ask the children what they think the parts are. Petals, stem, leaves, pollen.

Talk about what jobs they do. Stem anchors the plant and takes in water, leaves take in sunlight, petals attract bees for pollination, pollen is made to fertilise the plant to produce seeds. Use books and the Internet for scientific info.

I had googled parts of a flowering daffodil and found some images with the parts labelled which can help with the more scientific name eg stigma, stamen anther, ovule, ovary, filament, spathe, sepal.

We looked at the images on a tablet to help with labelling.

We stuck the parts onto paper and labelled them, to extend this older children can write the jobs the parts do.


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