Animal Facts

We saw a bat sleeping on the door to one of our barns. We managed to get a photograph of it without disturbing it, I have cropped the photo and enlarged it. 
I printed out the photo and we used wildlife books to find out some facts about bats.

We wrote factual sentences on bat shaped card.
  • This is a pipistrelle bat. 
  • They eat moths and other flying insects. 
  • This bat can fly to a height of 2-6m.
  • There are approximately 1400 bat species in the world. 
We may extend the sentences another time using conjunctions and connectives.

Connectives can be conjunctions eg but, when, because or connecting adverbs eg however, then, therefore.
  • There are approximately 1400 bat species in the world, however there are only 18 bat species in the UK. 
You can write facts about any animal your child is interested in or might have seen in your garden. You can use the internet to research the animal if you don't have any books.

We have a pond on our farm and have found pond skaters and a roach so we may write about them too.


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