How Do Plants Take In Water? Experiment

I asked how do plants take in water?

Thomas said by it's stem and roots.
(I wrote down what Thomas said.)

We talked about what plants need to grow.
Water, nutrients in soil, air (carbon dioxide co2) sunlight.

I asked what will happen when we put the cut flower in coloured water?

Discuss prediction thinking about why.

Thomas' prediction was...
I think the flower will go greeny blue because the water will go up the stem and make the flower go blue.

After a few days we looked at the flower and dissected the flower so we could see what happened.

We discussed what we found. We could see blue water in the hollow stem and in the veins in the petals.

Conclusion - What I found out...
The flower takes in nutrients and water through the veins in the petal by the stem, we know this because the petal veins are greeny blue.


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