Clay or Salt Dough Handprints

We made a clay handprints ornament. 
I had some airdrying clay and rolled it out. 

Then we drew round our hands with a pencil so it made an indentation. I wrote Lock Down 2020 using the pencil. 

We let the clay dry then we each painted our own handprint and we painted the background. 

Once dry I went over the lettering and handprint outlines in black sharpie pen.

When the paint was dry I used modge podge (glue) to seal the paint. 

If you don't have any clay you could use salt dough. 

For the salt dough use 8 ounces of plain flour, 4 ounces of salt and mix with warm water until the mixture comes together. Add 100ml of water and then just keep adding water till the mixture combines to form a dough.
Roll out the salt dough and then draw round your hands and write your wording using a pencil. Then put in the oven on a low heat to bake for 1-2hours. Then paint and seal.

Alternatively you could draw your handprints onto paper and paint. If you want a shine to your paint add some pva glue to the paint. Then go over the writing and hand outlines with sharpie pen. 


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