Tabby McTat Missing Cat Poster

Read Tabby McTat and look at the illustrations of Tabby in the book and how the cat is described. Pick out descriptions in the story.

Draw picture of Tabby McTat in the box and colour in.

Write a paragraph explaining that Tabby McTat is missing and a description of the cat.

What does the cat look like?
Any distinguishing features?
Who is the cats owner and how do you contact if there is a sighting?

Try to vary the starts of sentences as it's easy to start with he, his or Tabby. Use descriptive language and adjectives eg sparkling white eyes. Can you use any quotes from the story. Eg a miaow that is loud and strong. Hook the reader in with your first sentences. Use a question directed at the reader eg Have you seen this cat? Tell reader how to contact owner. Eg Find Fred at the lion statue.

I got this sheet from the scholastic website but you can use A4 paper to create the poster with a box for the picture and lines for the description. You could even design the poster on the computer. 


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