What Is An Adverb?

What Is An Adverb?

An Adverb is a word that describes a verb.
We have a horse loving boy here and we are lucky enough to be able to walk everyday to see our friend's horses in the field near our farm.

So I printed off a picture of Harvest with the question How does Harvest gallop?
Plus a picture of Willow with the question How does Willow trot?
Thomas acted out galloping and trotting around the garden as Harvest and Willow and wrote down adverbs to describe how he was moving.

He then chose his favourite adverb and wrote it into a sentence.

You could pick anything that your child is interested in and get them to write adverbs about how the object moves. Cars/vehicles, dinosaurs, animals, space creatures, people, teddies etc

We look forward to reading your adverbs.


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