Melting Wax Crayons

Thomas wanted to melt some wax crayons, which we have done before.

You will need 

*wax crayons (we took the paper off the crayons.) 


*heat source - hairdryer

We stuck the crayons onto cardboard. Then we switched on the hairdryer to hot and directed the heat at the crayons. 

After we discussed.. 

What happened to the crayons? 

They melted. 


Heat was applied. 

Then what happened when the heat stopped?

The wax went hard, solidified. 

What change occurred? 

They started as a solid, became a liquid when heat applied, then returned to a solid. 

A physical change, that is reversible. 

Before we started we noticed that some of our crayons had changed shape, we realised this was due to the heat of the sun as the container was near the window. So you could discuss this. 


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