Make Clay Christmas Ornaments

Make Clay Christmas ornaments and decorations for the tree.

You will need 

  • Air drying clay
  • Rolling pin
  • Shaped cutters and Christmas shaped cutters. 
  • Pencil
  • Ribbon
  • Paints
  • Glue/Midge Podge
  • Glitter
  • Foil
  • Tray
Cover table with a wipeable plastic sheet. 
Roll out the clay. 
Use cutters to create different shapes. 
Use a pencil point to form a hole in the ornament for hanging it up. 
You can add markings and indentations to the clay to create shapes, faces, date, name etc
Place the clay shapes onto foil on a tray to dry for a few days. 
Paint the ornaments when the clay has dried. 
You could add some glitter to the paint for extra sparkle. 
When the paint is dry, paint the backs. 
Once dry seal the paint with glue or modge, podge. Leave to dry and repeat on reverse. 
Tie some ribbon through the hole so the ornament can hang on the Christmas tree.

These make lovely gifts. 


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