Fizz Buzz A Times Table Game

We played fizz buzz to practise some of our times tables.

How to play. 

1) We chose the 3 and 5 times tables. Write out the multiples of 3 to 51 and write out the multiples of 5 to 50.

2) Are any of the multiples in both times tables? 15, 30, 45. We circled these numbers in our list so it would help us. 

3) Explain that as we say the numbers when we get to a multiple of 3 say fizz, when we get to a multiple of 5 say buzz and when we get to a multiple of both then say fizz buzz. 

4) Say the numbers 1 to 50 taking it in turn to say a number, remembering to say fizz, buzz or fizz buzz in the correct places.

We played this with some friends on video call and it was good fun. 


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