Birds Made From Foil and Kitchen Roll

Make birds from foil and kitchen roll.

We have made a kingfisher and a robin. 

You will need... 


Kitchen roll

Felt tips or water colours

Coloured card for beak and feet



Roll up some foil into a sausage shape and then shape into a bird shape. 

Make one end the head and beak shape and one end the tail shape.

On a piece of kitchen roll either felt tip or water colour paint the kitchen roll the colours of your chosen birds feathers. 

If using watercolours wait for kitchen roll paper to dry and then tear up paper into small pieces. 

Glue on the coloured pieces starting at the tail and working up the bird covering the foil. 

The pieces can overlap and don't have to be completely glued down as this gives the impression of feathers.

Cut out a diamond shape from coloured card for the beak and fold the diamond in half and glue in place. Cut out two black circles for the eyes and glue in place. Cut out leg and feet from coloured card and glue in place.

Let the children look at pictures of their chosen birds so they can see the colours of the feathers, beak, legs and eyes.

Thread some yarn through the birds head and then they can hang up. 

We are hanging ours from a branch we found in the garden. 

I found the idea on Inspire My Play on Instagram. 


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