Well Being Portrait

If your child likes drawing you could get them to draw a picture of their face.

We used a mirror and looked at the shape of our face and our facial features and had a go at drawing our face. 

We used pencil crayons to colour in. 

We also talked about things we liked about ourselves physically eg hair, eyes etc

We talked about charactistics that were positive about ourselves or that we were good at or enjoyed eg happy, organised, creative etc

We talked about interests and things we liked eg football, art, animals, reading etc

We did this on a zoom call with some friends and gave positive suggestions about each other.

We wrote the words around our face, or in a list on the back of the portrait if we didn't want to write around the drawing.

It was a lovely way to highlight all the positive attributes of each other and the drawings the children produced were excellent. I somehow managed to draw the teenage version of myself! 


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