Guess The Number

Play guess the number. One person thinks of a number, we started with a number between 0 and 99. 

The others take it in turns to ask questions to try to work out the number. 

Is the number odd, even, a single digit/in the ones, two digits/in the tens, is it a multiple of..., is it more than..., less than..., is it a square number etc. 

You can write down the clues as you find out answers. 

You can write out numbers it could be as you narrow it down. 

You could look at a number square if you have one to help you or you can cross off the numbers on the square. 

Once the guessers have narrowed down the numbers they can take it in turns to guess the number. Once you've worked out the number someone else can think of one.

After you have played it a few times, you can extend the numbers to the 100s or 1000s.

Happy guessing! 


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